


In the modern age, it might seem like art 和 technology are exact opposites. In fact, there's a career that brings the two together'graphic design.

平面设计师 use technology to take ideas 和 convey them in visual form, 无论是数字还是印刷. 因为平面设计 combines both analytical skills 和 artistic sensibilities, it can be the perfect career for creative 和 tech savvy people alike.

平面设计师 use text 和 images 和 must know how to work with typefaces, colors 和 layouts. Their work is used in advertisements, brochures, magazines, websites 和 more. 他们有时甚至是标志设计师.

你觉得这个领域适合你吗? If so, here are a few steps you can take to enter the field:

因为平面设计ers often work with certain software, 和 because 他们 must be well-versed in the principles of design, 他们 通常都有学位.

A tech school might help you with the education you need to become a graphic designer. Remington College offers a digital graphic art associate degree program for students interested in graphic design at its Fort Worth campus.

The program aims to expose students to the subjects needed to become a graphic designer. Students study the fundamentals of graphic design theory 和 application, as well as the graphic arts software programs related to the field. 课程主题包括:

The program typically takes full-time students 18 months to complete.1

Because every designer has his or her own style 和 method, having a portfolio of completed works that demonstrates your style 和 capabilities 是至关重要的. Internships can help you develop this portfolio, as can work done in the classroom. 在PG电子平台沃斯堡校区, practical laboratory experience is an integral part of the program, so students can get the h和s-on experience 他们 may need to create a portfolio.

许多不同的工作 平面设计师可用. Some work at firms, while others are self-employed 和 work with clients. Remington College's program may prepare you for entry-level jobs in the field, 包括桌面出版商, 计算机图形艺术家, 网站设计师或制作艺术家.2 Once you decide on a job you'd like to pursue, you can search for graphic design jobs near you.

If you're ready to become a Fort Worth graphic designer, take the first step 和 sign up for a career training program at Remington College Fort Worth 校园. 如欲了解更多,请浏览 http://public.lionpath.yetan.net/locations/fort-worth/ 或拨打1-800-208-1950.

1 Program completion times may vary based on individual performance/circumstances. 个别结果可能有所不同.

2 学生或毕业生就业不保证.


http://www.bls.gov /哦/艺术设计/Graphic designers.htm#tab-3